Monday, March 29, 2010

Reunited After 30 Years...Wow!!...:-D

I was driving home the other day, listening to my favourite radio station when my mobile-phone rang. It was from an old schoolmate inviting me to a reunion. My mind went like, ”Huh, is this for real? Will they cancel it last minute again just like before?”   Thankfully, it materialized this time around.. :-))

Well, we finally get to meet after so many years. Everyone still looks pretty much the same to me except for their physical sizes. Some have piled on alot of weight but who cares - as long as they're happy.  And yes, we all aged. Of course, everyone ages. Who wouldn’t wish to possess eternal youth but how possible is that, right? Even those lucky ones who inherit good genes need to spend time, effort, money and slap tons of skincare products on their faces to look young, you know...;-))

It's nice to know everyone is contented with their lives and hats off to my friends who become fulltime housewives for more than a decade ago. I still couldn’t see myself as housewife as yet. Each of us just couldn’t wait for our turn to speak and everyone talked almost at the same time.  I can't describe how glad I am to reunite with these friends. The best thing is that we could still click after losing contact for 30 years!!  We had such great time catching up on each other’s lives and  reminiscing the past. It felt like we were flipping through pages and pages of our history books - how we met, who sat with whom and the silly things we did together during our 6 years in school. It was so fun!!

Whatever it is, the gathering had to come to an end. Everyone bade goodbye and promised to meet again time, we’ll bring along our children..:-)

Monday, March 15, 2010

AmBank Customers' Service Sucks.....

                        Not My Preferred Choice!

Is it really so difficult to get things done these days especially when one has to deal with the bank? You see, 3 weeks ago I contacted AmBank to request for a bank statement to settle my personal loan. I had to call them numerous times just to get the correct requisition form.  Every time I called up, a different officer spoke to me and I seriously think not all of them knew they job well.  I felt like being sent on a wild goose chase just to get the right form!  Finally, as I was filling up the form, I found something was not quite right and called them to double check. Guess what, I was told it was a WRONG form AGAIN!! I couldn’t believe my ears!?  I had to repeat my explanation to them for what I needed and they finally faxed me the correct form. This time with the right form in hand, I furnished them with all the information required and I happily faxed it back to them. To ensure everything was in place, I called them up to acknowledge receipt of my form and they did and I waited with abated breath for their reply. 

Assuming everything was orderly, I waited patiently for 3 weeks but heard no news from the bank.  I knew something was wrong. I rang them up to check on the status of my request and OMG, I was told they didn’t receive my form! The officer whom earlier acknowledged receipt of my form had mistaken it for someone else’s!! My mood changed from glee to getting annoyed.  How could I not blow my top, you tell me? I had to re-fax the form and re-start the waiting process all over again. And this time around, another officer promised  she'd personally look into my request and made sure it would be done. 

I wonder if some of these customers' service officers are competent enough to do the job.  Well, will see what happens in another a week or so. Hopefully, they wouldn't give me silly excuses for not processing my request again and mind you, it’s not for free, okay. I had to pay for their service – lousy service that is!

In short, Ambank customers' service sucks!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Novice's First Attempt....;-D

I've never attempted to write poems before in my life because I don't have a flair for it. But there is always a first time for everything, right? So, for those of you reading this, refrain yourselves from laughing at my amateur attempt, okay! hehe!....Here it goes...;-D

Wherever I am, whatever I do, I'll constantly think of you
You're someone who understands me through and through
Sometimes when you're with me, your mind seems far-away
Stressed out about work or perhaps thinking of someone who's soon going away?


Your existence without doubt completes my life
Because of you, I'm now a mom instead of just a wife
You can’t possibly imagine how important you’re to me
And it’s my duty to love and protect thee


You are someone fiery but generous to the core
SZY is one of the few you adore
Travelling and exploring the world are what you like best
Without the above, you find life is a pest!


I discover not many are as good as you, whom exceedingly giving
Whatever you do, you'll do it without moaning
Many a time you accommodate more than you could handle
For this, I place you high on my pedestal


Very often, I hear you whine and complain
And I'm sorry I couldn't alleviate your pain
I urge you to speak up and show me your bravery
Otherwise, you'll be forever trapped in this misery

                          Remember, refrain from laughing...;-P