I was so preoccupied with work for the past few days that I had to stay in the office during my lunch hour. And since I don’t take lunch on most weekdays, my stomach never begs for food when it comes to lunch time.
Of course, there are times I do join my colleagues for lunch especially on special occasions or whenever I feel up to it. And today, one said, “hey, why not we go for “lui cha” (擂茶) in Old Klang Road?. I went like, “huh?! what’s that?”. Apparently, it is one of the Hakka cuisines. After much persuasion, I relented and agreed to join them. I was also eager to find out what this "lui cha” is all about. Well, for someone who is not particularly ambitious in trying new food, I find the name sounds pretty intriguing. Why not check it out!..... :-)
And off we drove to Old Klang Road. The medium sized restaurant is located in between the shop-lots. The environment was generally clean (much to my delight) and there were few empty tables and we quickly grabbed a table and ordered 4 sets of “lui cha”. I had a shock when the food was served. It came with a big bowl of thick green soup, which tea leaves and vegetables pounded together and a separate plate of rice surrounded by various types of vegetables/beans (I was like ewww…could I actually stomach that soup?!) Surprisingly enough, it tasted awesome (though I didn’t empty the bowl of soup onto my rice like what the rest did. ..haha!)
I'm surprised that I actually liked it and wouldn't mind going for it again. And I realise, all these while I had been too conservative with my food choices that I had actually missed out a lot.
Perhaps, I should be more adventurous, next time...:-P
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