Cooking is never my forte but of late, after experimenting a few new dishes on my own, I kinda begin to comprehend why homemakers like to cook for their loved ones. I personally get lots of satisfaction seeing my two precious enjoy eating my cooking. Probably they wouldn't want to hurt my feelings but then again, a six year old kid doesn't lie, right? If she says it's nice and yummy, it gotta be nice and yummy. Haha! I like stealing glances at my hubby everytime he takes his first bite of my food. To be frank, I can't read his poker face! But mostly, he likes whatever I whip up for him (I'm not blowing my own trumpet here..really!)..;-))
My girl is one fussy eater. She's just like me -not adventurous in exploring new recipes. Kim Gary is one of her favourite diners and every visit, without fail, she'll order her favourite dish, that is pork chop nissin noodles. Well, last week at Kim Gary, it took the chef ages to prepare her order. The kitchen staff made a mistake and my girl had to wait for more than 20 minutes before her food was served. I ordered baked cheese rice with pork chop for myself. My dish arrived first and since she was famished, I offered her to eat some of mine. She refused at first but after much coaxing, she finally took a bite. And voila! She loved it and kept asking for more!! The next thing I knew, she said, "Mom, can you please cook this for me at home?" *giving me the pleading look*. How could I possible say no, right?
This week, I attempted 2 new dishes - baked cheese rice with chicken sausages (upon request) and the other, baked cajun pork ribs. Both turned out to be a success! Hearing praises like "umph..nice, it's better than Kim Gary's and yes, tastes good" from my girl and hubby, worth every minute I spent in the kitchen.
Guess what? Hubby suggests to have fish for our next weekend meal! Must now hurry to get new recipes to impress him..;-))
Guess what? Hubby suggests to have fish for our next weekend meal! Must now hurry to get new recipes to impress him..;-))
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