I just can’t help laughing out loud after reading the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS)'s plan to illuminate all public parks and go around knocking on the doors of the budget hotels looking for "offenders" this coming February 14. I think it's an outlandish move and come on lah, I'm sure there are other better things to do than apprehending couples making out, right.? By the way, why choose February 14, as if lovebirds wouldn’t engage in sex on any other days or as if couples wouldn’t get sexually aroused on any other occasions!... Well, I'm not a Muslim and I may not fully comprehend the stringent rules of the religion but frankly, it does deserve a good laugh. Isn’t it lighting up the parks is supposed to curb crimes and to make park-goers feel safe rather than to deter couples from hanky-panky?..Hmmm, obviously the authorities is doing it for the wrong reason again! ..And couples enjoying candle-lit dinners that night beware.......for you are being watched!....hahaha!
Another amusing rumour about college female students planning to go “panty-less” on February 14, a gesture to express their love for their boyfriends!!..Gosh, this is something really new and I wonder how on earth is JAIS going to prevent that from happening?!..Are they going to hunt these “panty-less” students by peeping under each and every skirt?!! That would be a glaring sex offence, wouldn’t it? I can imagine every male student on that day will be betting and guessing which female student is not wearing underpants! ...;-)
Oops….February 14 also happens to be my birthday and I’m contemplating whether I should go “panty-less” too, a sign of love for my husband. On second thought, I guess I better not cos he will surely find it offensive!....LOL LOL... :-D