Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Year 2010 Resolutions...What's Yours?!

Gosh, year 2009 is almost coming to an end and I've just realized I couldn’t catch up with time. Things move faster these days. Before I know it, one day has passed and nothing much had been accomplished.

I don’t usually make New Year resolutions but this time around, I'd like to be different. Well, of course, the top in the list would be to give extra pampering and shower my abundant love and affection to my hubby and our little sweetheart :-). Come to think of it, it shouldn’t be a resolution in the first place. It’s something I ought to do 24/7. Hahaha! And not forgetting to spend more time with my own family and in-laws too :-P

Alright, here is the list of my resolutions:-
- be a better person
- spend more time playing with my daughter (yes..she's complaining I am not playing enough with her)
- spend more time reading
- be more focused
- cut down on coffee intake
- exercise more
- toning up my body (uphill task!)

Keep fingers and toes crossed that I'd adhere to the list :-)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, My Love!

Today is my beloved hubby's 40th birthday and I'm supposed to get him a Blackberry for his birthday pressie. But last minute, he changes his mind again and doesn't want a phone anymore. So, I'm getting him a wallet instead :-)

This year, we made a special birthday card for him and the sight of the card took his breath away. Hahaha! He always says he would appreciate whatever we do for him especially whatever he gets from his little precious. If she is happy, he is happy too.

My plan tonight is to take him to a restaurant that we haven't been before. My girl and I are really looking forward to it. We are definitely going to enjoy ourselves tonight..hehehe!

Happy Birthday to you, dear....mmmwah!.......:-))))

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Promise I Wish Not To Break....:-)

I’ve gained some weight lately and don't know why I’ve lost the determination to shed them off. My hats off to those who go to the gym no matter rain or shine. Just when I told myself to control my diet, my hubby encouraged me to order 2 large pizzas for supper last night and I attacked 3 big pieces of pizza. And holy cow, I felt so guilty after gorging them.

This morning when I woke up, I made a deal with myself...that is to eat less and exercise more. I've promised myself to hit the park on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays and before leaving home, I hurriedly put my walking gear into my bag. Lets see if I could keep this promise! ;-P

Psssttt….hopefully my girl won’t start looking for me when she doesn’t see me home by 6pm..haha!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quitting Job...

The weather for the past few days was extremely wonderful and I had to drag myself out of bed to work. I always wonder if it would be a good idea to stop working and stay home to be a full-time housewife. I guess it's not. I enjoy earning my own money and to be less dependant on my hubby :-)

However, I foresee I may have to give up my job to take care of my soon school going kid. I'm more than willing to quit my job just to look after her for she's our only child and she's going to get the best from us as much as we could afford it. There is nothing much we could offer to her but to give her the best education there is. I guess, every parent longs to see their children succeed in life. Give them the best education, nurture them and build up their self-esteem and the rest is up to the child to choose how to live his/her life...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What A Gigantic Garland!!....

I've never used to bother about what’s going on in our home politics until recently. And after spending some time reading and catching-up with the latest political developments, not only I hear grouses from the anti-BN bloggers about how corrupted some leaders are, I also realised that Datin Sri Rosmah is not spared from their critics. She is criticized for her size, her skin and her height. Some critics are real mean. I used to tell my hubby and colleagues that these negative remarks about her are just so cruel.

However, I was reading an article in today’s papers and came across the above picture. I myself just couldn’t stop laughing looking at it. Mind you, the bloggers are going to have another field day criticizing her again. The garland is way too gigantic for her and it looks so weird considering her size and height. She almost looked like an baby elephant minus the trunk! Gosh, what an opportunity for bashing time again. Good luck to you, Datin Sri Rosmah!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Irresponsible Souls...

My heart wrenched when I read about the mishap that took the lives of 3 young children. It clearly depicts the lack of responsibility of those teachers in-charged at that time. Some readers chide the government for conceiving such ideas to have this 1Malaysia camp to foster close racial relationships, thus, causing the accident to happen. Well, I disagree.

I personally feel that the teachers should be responsible for this accident. This accident could have been avoided if there were not too many students crossing that "fateful" bridge at one go. We do not need a genius mind to figure that out, do we? What were the teachers thinking at that moment? Couldn't they gauge the suspension bridge is too fragile to support so many children? Why did they take the risk? Was it for fun or purely lack of common sense?

In future, I'd seriously think twice again sending my kid for field trips.

My condolences to the grieving families..:-(